adhirasam recipe in tamil
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Adhirasam Recipe In Tamil

Adhirasam Recipe In Tamil, a classic South Indian sweet, is a delicious treat often made during festivals and special occasions. It is known for its crispy exterior and soft, chewy interior, making it a favorite among many. This article will delve into the traditional Adhirasam recipe, providing step-by-step instructions, tips for perfect results, and additional information to help you make this delectable sweet.

What is Adhirasam?

Adhirasam, also known as “Indian doughnuts,” is a traditional Tamil sweet made from rice flour and jaggery. It is similar to doughnuts but with a unique texture and flavor. The preparation involves making a dough from rice flour and jaggery syrup, shaping it into round discs, and then deep-frying until golden brown. The result is a sweet treat that is both crispy and chewy.

Ingredients for Adhirasam

adhirasam recipe in tamil

To make Adhirasam, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Rice Flour: 1 cup
  • Jaggery: 1 cup (grated or powdered)
  • Water: 1/2 cup
  • Cardamom Powder: 1/2 teaspoon
  • Sesame Seeds: 1 tablespoon (optional)
  • Oil: For deep frying

Table 1: Ingredients and Their Purpose

Ingredient Quantity Purpose
Rice Flour 1 cup Base ingredient for the dough
Jaggery 1 cup Sweetener, adds flavor and texture
Water 1/2 cup To make jaggery syrup
Cardamom Powder 1/2 teaspoon Adds flavor
Sesame Seeds 1 tablespoon Optional, adds crunch
Oil As required For deep frying

Preparing Adhirasam Recipe In Tamil: Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Making the Jaggery Syrup

  1. Grate or Powder Jaggery: Start by grating or powdering the jaggery to ensure it dissolves easily.
  2. Boil Water and Jaggery: In a pan, add 1/2 cup of water and the jaggery. Heat over medium flame.
  3. Dissolve and Filter: Stir the mixture until the jaggery completely dissolves. Strain the syrup to remove impurities.

Step 2: Preparing the Dough

  1. Combine Rice Flour and Cardamom Powder: In a mixing bowl, add 1 cup of rice flour and 1/2 teaspoon of cardamom powder.
  2. Add Jaggery Syrup: Gradually add the strained jaggery syrup to the rice flour, mixing continuously.
  3. Knead the Dough: Mix until you get a soft, pliable dough. If needed, adjust the consistency by adding a little more syrup or water until you reach the desired texture.

Step 3: Shaping and Frying

  1. Shape the Dough: Divide the dough into small balls. Flatten each ball into a round disc, about 1/4 inch thick. Optionally, you can sprinkle sesame seeds on top.
  2. Heat Oil: In a deep pan, heat enough oil for frying.
  3. Fry the Adhirasams: Gently slide the discs into the hot oil. Fry on medium heat until they turn golden brown and crispy, flipping as needed.

Step 4: Cooling and Serving

  1. Drain Excess Oil: Remove the fried Adhirasams from the oil and drain on paper towels.
  2. Cool Completely: Allow them to cool completely before serving, Adhirasam Recipe In Tamil.

Tips for Perfect Adhirasam

adhirasam recipe in tamil

  • Consistency of Dough: The dough should be soft but not too sticky. Adjust the jaggery syrup or water as needed.
  • Frying Temperature: Ensure the oil is not too hot; otherwise, the Adhirasams may burn. Medium heat is ideal.
  • Uniform Size: Try to make the discs of uniform size for even cooking.
  • Storage: Store Adhirasams in an airtight container to maintain their crispiness.

Common Variations

  • Cashew Adhirasam: Add chopped cashews to the dough for added flavor and crunch.
  • Coconut Adhirasam: Incorporate grated coconut into the dough for a unique taste.

Table 2: Common Variations and Ingredients

Variation Additional Ingredients Purpose
Cashew Adhirasam Chopped cashews Adds flavor and texture
Coconut Adhirasam Grated coconut Provides a unique flavor


Can I use brown sugar instead of jaggery? A1: Jaggery is traditionally used for its unique flavor and color. You can use brown sugar as a substitute, but the taste and texture may differ.

How do I know when the Adhirasams are done frying? A2: Adhirasams are done when they turn golden brown and have a crispy exterior. They should float to the surface of the oil when cooked properly.

Can I make Adhirasam in advance? A3: Yes, you can make Adhirasam in advance. Store them in an airtight container at room temperature. They should stay crispy for several days.

What should I do if the dough is too sticky? A4: If the dough is too sticky, add a little more rice flour to adjust the consistency.


Adhirasam is a cherished South Indian sweet that brings joy to many during festive times. With its crispy outer layer and soft, chewy interior, it is a treat that is both delightful and satisfying. By following the detailed steps and tips provided in this guide, you can create perfect Adhirasams that will impress your family and friends, Adhirasam Recipe In Tamil.

Whether you’re making them for a special occasion or simply to enjoy as a sweet treat, Adhirasams are a wonderful addition to any dessert spread. So gather your ingredients, follow the recipe, and enjoy the process of making this traditional Tamil delicacy!

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