anabolic french toast greg doucette recipe
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Anabolic French toast Greg Doucette recipe

In the world of fitness, maintaining a diet that supports muscle growth while satisfying your cravings can be challenging. But what if you could enjoy a delicious, fluffy stack of French toast without straying from your fitness goals? Enter Anabolic French toast Greg Doucette recipe, popularized by Coach Greg Doucette and adapted by fitness enthusiasts like Spencer Miller. This high-protein, low-calorie breakfast option is a game-changer for those looking to build muscle while enjoying a hearty meal. In this guide, we’ll dive into the origins of anabolic French toast, explore various recipes, and provide tips, tricks, and FAQs to help you master this dish.

What is Anabolic French Toast?

Anabolic French toast Greg Doucette recipe is a protein-packed version of traditional French toast designed to support muscle growth. The recipe primarily involves soaking slices of bread in an egg white mixture and cooking them to golden perfection. What sets it apart from regular French toast is the emphasis on low-calorie, high-protein ingredients, making it an ideal choice for bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts.

Why Greg Doucette’s Recipe is a Game-Changer

Greg Doucette, a renowned fitness coach and bodybuilder, made anabolic French toast famous with his simple yet effective recipe. His approach emphasizes flexibility, allowing you to customize the toast to suit your taste preferences while sticking to your diet.

Key Features of Greg Doucette’s Anabolic French Toast:

  • High Protein: Uses egg whites to increase protein content while keeping calories low.
  • Customizable: Can be made sweet or savory with various mix-ins and toppings.
  • Diet-Friendly: Ideal for those on a calorie-restricted diet without compromising on flavor.

How to Make Anabolic French Toast: Greg Doucette’s Recipe

Let’s break down the steps to make this muscle-building breakfast.


Ingredient Quantity Notes
Bread 4 slices Any type; white, whole wheat, or low-calorie
Egg Whites 6-7 large Source of protein
Salt Pinch Enhances flavor
Non-Stick Spray As needed For cooking
Mix-ins As desired Sweet or savory options (details below)
Toppings As desired Customize to taste (details below)


  1. Prepare the Pan:
    • Heat a large non-stick pan over low heat to ensure even cooking.
  2. Mix the Egg Whites:
    • In a large, shallow bowl, whisk together the egg whites, a pinch of salt, and your chosen mix-ins (e.g., cinnamon for sweet or herbs for savory).
  3. Soak the Bread:
    • Dip each slice of bread into the egg white mixture, ensuring it’s fully soaked but not falling apart.
  4. Cook the Toast:
    • Spray the pan with non-stick spray.
    • Place the soaked bread slices into the pan.
    • Cook until golden brown on one side, then flip and cook the other side.
  5. Top and Serve:
    • Once cooked, top with your preferred toppings and serve immediately.

Sweet vs. Savory: Mix-Ins and Toppings

Greg Doucette’s recipe is highly adaptable. Here’s how you can customize it:

Sweet Options:

  • Mix-Ins: Cinnamon, vanilla extract, sugar-free sweeteners.
  • Toppings: Greek yogurt, berries, sugar-free maple syrup, peanut butter.

Savory Options:

  • Mix-Ins: Dried herbs, black pepper, nutritional yeast.
  • Toppings: Sautéed vegetables, avocado, cottage cheese, smoked salmon.

Spencer Miller’s Anabolic Protein French Toast: A Tasty Variation

anabolic french toast greg doucette recipe

Fitness blogger Spencer Miller took Greg Doucette’s recipe and added his own twist, focusing on enhancing the protein content even further with the addition of pumpkin and protein powder.

Key Ingredients for Spencer Miller’s Version

Ingredient Quantity Notes
Bread 4 slices Any type, but preferably high-protein bread
Egg Whites 6-7 large Main source of protein
Pumpkin Puree 2 tbsp Adds flavor and moisture
Cinnamon 1 tsp Enhances sweetness naturally
Sugar-Free Maple Syrup 2 tbsp Keeps the dish low-calorie
Protein Powder (Vanilla) 1 scoop Increases protein content
Fat-Free Greek Yogurt 1/2 cup Used to make the topping
Sugar-Free Pudding Mix 1 tbsp Added to Greek yogurt for texture and flavor
Peanut Butter 1 tbsp Optional, for added flavor and protein

Instructions for Spencer Miller’s Version

  1. Prepare the Egg Mixture:
    • In a large bowl, mix egg whites, pumpkin puree, cinnamon, sugar-free maple syrup, and protein powder.
  2. Soak the Bread:
    • Dip the bread slices into the mixture, ensuring they absorb the liquid without becoming too soggy.
  3. Cook the Toast:
    • Heat a non-stick pan, spray with non-stick spray, and cook the soaked bread until both sides are golden brown.
  4. Prepare the Topping:
    • Mix the Greek yogurt, protein powder, and sugar-free pudding mix to create a thick, creamy topping.
    • Spread this on top of the cooked French toast.
  5. Serve:
    • Add a drizzle of sugar-free maple syrup and a spoonful of peanut butter for an extra protein boost.

Toppings Galore: Sweet and Savory Combinations

One of the best things about anabolic French toast is the variety of topping combinations you can try. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Sweet Toppings:

  • Greek Yogurt & Berries: Top with Greek yogurt, fresh strawberries, and a drizzle of sugar-free maple syrup.
  • Peanut Butter & Chocolate: Spread a layer of peanut butter, add chocolate chips, and garnish with banana slices.
  • Bananas & Walnuts: Combine sliced bananas, chopped walnuts, and a sprinkle of cinnamon for a classic flavor combo.

Savory Toppings:

  • Avocado & Eggs: Top with sliced avocado, poached eggs, and a sprinkle of chili flakes.
  • Smoked Salmon: Spread Greek yogurt, top with smoked salmon, capers, and sliced red onions.
  • Cottage Cheese & Veggies: Add a dollop of cottage cheese, sautéed spinach, and mushrooms, and sprinkle with parmesan.

Comparing Anabolic French Toast to Traditional French Toast

Feature Traditional French Toast Anabolic French Toast
Main Ingredients Whole eggs, milk, sugar, butter Egg whites, low-calorie bread, non-stick spray
Protein Content Moderate (from eggs) High (from egg whites and optional protein powder)
Calorie Content High (due to added sugar and butter) Low (uses sugar-free sweeteners, non-stick spray)
Customization Options Limited (mainly sweet toppings) Extensive (both sweet and savory options)
Diet Compatibility Not suitable for calorie-restricted diets Ideal for bodybuilding, low-calorie diets

FAQs About Anabolic French Toast

Can I use whole eggs instead of egg whites? A: While you can use whole eggs, using egg whites keeps the calorie count low and protein content high, which is essential for the anabolic nature of the recipe.

What type of bread is best for anabolic French toast? A: Any bread can be used, but high-protein, whole-grain, or low-calorie bread options are ideal for those on a fitness diet.

Can I freeze anabolic French toast? A: Yes! Anabolic French toast freezes well. Simply cook, cool, and freeze in an airtight container. Reheat in the toaster or microwave.

How can I add more protein to the recipe? A: You can add protein powder to the egg mixture or use toppings like Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, or peanut butter to increase protein content.

Is anabolic French toast suitable for vegans? A: The traditional recipe uses egg whites, but you can adapt it for a vegan diet by using plant-based egg substitutes and vegan protein powder.


Anabolic French toast is more than just a healthy breakfast option; it’s a versatile dish that fits seamlessly into a muscle-building diet. Whether you follow Greg Doucette’s classic recipe or try Spencer Miller’s protein-packed variation, you’ll find that this dish is not only delicious but also supports your fitness goals. With endless customization options, from sweet to savory toppings, anabolic French toast is sure to become a staple in your kitchen.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, experimenting with different flavors, and utilizing the right ingredients, you can enjoy a satisfying meal that aligns with your dietary needs. Whether you’re bulking up, cutting down, or just looking for a nutritious breakfast, anabolic French toast offers a delicious and adaptable solution.

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